For those who want to discover the living presence of God in their hearts…

THIS SITE is dedicated to the practice of loving God, and to methods for keeping the inner devotional flame burning brightly.


Spiritual seekers know that loving God is the greatest commandment. It is the keystone of religion. But in the whirlpool of daily life, our devotion can deteriorate and become a dry mental habit, instead of a living practice of the heart.

In their spiritual lives, people sometimes become focused on techniques of prayer and meditation, or they become busy with service and don’t notice how their hearts have closed.

The quickest path to God

Loving God inwardly while serving Him outwardly is the quickest, most effective path to personal transformation. Make loving God with an open heart the cornerstone of daily spiritual practice.

This site offers resources to help inspire and offer practical approaches to developing love for God amidst a busy life. You’ll find book excerpts and reviews, articles, music, links to videos, blog posts, and more.

Note: If you discover a resource that you feel would help others, please let us know about it. You can email text or links to:

Here is a beautifully sung song of devotion to God.